Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate with the children in your child care service! There are plenty of ways to make the holiday memorable for your little ones.

Here are some eggciting Easter activities for kids in child care:

  1. Easter Egg Hunt: Plan an Easter egg hunt for the children in your child care. Hide plastic Easter eggs around your backyard or indoor play area, and let the kids search for them. You can fill the eggs with stickers, or candy for an extra surprise.
  2. Easter Crafts: Get creative with some Easter-themed crafts that the kids can make. You can have them make Easter baskets, decorate eggs with paint or markers, or create Easter bunny masks. There are plenty of ideas and tutorials available online to help you get started.
  3. Bunny Hop Game: Create a bunny hop game using colorful tape or chalk to make a hopscotch-like course. The kids can take turns hopping through the course like bunnies, trying not to step on the lines.
  4. Easter Storytime: Read Easter-themed books to the children in your child care. You can choose classic Easter stories like “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” or “The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Easter Egg Hunt,” or find new and interesting books to share.
  5. Egg Decorating Contest: Have an egg decorating contest where each child can decorate their own egg with paints, markers, or stickers. Award prizes for the most creative or most colorful egg.
  6. Easter Snacks: Prepare some Easter-themed snacks for the children to enjoy. You can make bunny-shaped sandwiches, Easter-themed cupcakes, or serve carrot sticks with dip.

With these fun and engaging Easter activities, the kids in your child care will have a memorable and enjoyable Easter celebration.