Support Portal

Support is more than just an email or phone call. Child Care Central users have access to the Support Portal, a large database of helpful tip sheets and tutorial videos to your service master our many features.

Tip Sheets.

When accessing the Support Portal, users may download various tip sheets that guide them through each Child Care Central feature. These documents are simple and easy to follow…

Tutorial Videos.

Like our tip sheets, our tutorial videos help users to understand how our software works! As new features are added throughout the year, more videos and tip sheets are too!

Want to get paid quickly and easily online?

Make it easy for parents to pay you with our redPAY payment gateway that provides fast and secure BPAY, Direct Debit options and real-time transactions.

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The childcare administrators central to your business. See how we can help you.
The childcare administrators central to your business. See how we can help you.