3 September 2019

Teamwork made it through one year on from CCS.

Just over a year ago, one of the biggest and most significant changes to the child care system occurred.  The new Child Care Subsidy / CCS officially started.

The change for child care services and the teams at Child Care Central, part of the Redbourne Group, immediately.

Melissa Hurley, Manager of Child Care said, “on average, our Customer Service Representatives would respond to 250 emails and 500 phone calls per week. When Child Care Subsidy started, in the first week our main Call Centre received over 30,000 calls.”

So, how did the Child Care Central team get through the busy time?  “We worked really hard to help all our child care services and outside school hours care services across Australia.”

“It took months, in fact most of 2018 to fully understand the new CCS, but we all got there and our Child Care Central software continues to be adaptive and work well with any CCS requirements.”

“A little more than one year has passed since CCS started, and we are grateful for to our customers for working through the change with us. It was a huge transition for everyone involved,” said Melissa.

We can now focus and devote resources on our core business – developing user friendly and relevant software to meet the needs of our customers today and tomorrow.